
Spiritual formation is the growth of our souls and bodies into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.

God shapes our lives by His Son and the Holy Spirit through the grace of the sacraments. We believe that this formation happens intellectually just as much as it does in our habits and emotions. Redeemer is committed to this formation by being conduits of His grace in our lives. We have community groups running throughout the year except when St. Aidan Institute is in session. Additionally, we offer one on one spiritual direction and confession on a regular basis in order to help individuals walk closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Modes of Spiritual Formation at Redeemer


St Aidan Institute

Throughout the year we gather for the St. Aidan Institute: a series of classes and Bible Studies designed to provide foundational knowledge about our faith.

Learn more about the St Aidan Institute

Bible Studies

In between St Aidans sessions we host Bible Studies led by clergy and lay people. Audio versions of past studies are available for listening any time.

Check out our past studies.


The forgiveness of sin is an essential element of healing ministry. This was exemplified in the earthly ministry of Jesus and can be seen in the apostles commission to forgive sins. The sacramental act of confession offers the penitent reconciliation to God and the Church.

Learn more about Confession


Daily Office

We offer Morning Prayer gatherings several days a week. If you are participating remotely and don’t have a Book of Common Prayer, you can download a pdf here:

Book of Common Prayer, Morning Prayer begins on page 11.

Upcoming Morning Prayer Gatherings (via Zoom)


Table Groups

These are small groups of parishioners grouped regionally who meet every-other week while the St. Aidan Institute is out of session. 

Learn more about Table Groups

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction offers a time set apart for facilitated prayer. A spiritual director is more a coach than a counselor. Direction doesn’t typically begin with a problem to solve, the goal is simply to experience the presence of God on a more ongoing basis—to grow in faith and virtue.

Learn more about Spiritual Direction



In Translation is a biannual publication of Redeemer Anglican Church. As the subtitle, “Cultivating Kingdom Language” suggests, the purpose of this journal is to form worshippers and equip the Church for mission. Contributors are made up of Redeemer clergy and congregants, and content focuses on one central theme and explores a body of artwork.

Download Past Issues